IELTS grammar lesson: Gerund or Infinitive?

A gerund is a verb with its -ing form that functions as a noun that names an activity. You can make a gerund with any action verb. (Running is his hobby. My friend quit smoking 2 years ago)
An infinitive is a verb form that acts as other parts of speech in a sentence. It is formed with to + base form of the verb. (You promised to do your homework today. I want to call her now)
Some of the verbs are followed either by the gerund:
avoid consider deny enjoy recommend miss |
enjoy explain risk resume omit permit |
allow confess finish forgive complete practice |
suggest admit advise delay involve imagine |
For example: I enjoy playing football.
Other verbs are followed by infinitive:
ask afford help learn offer hope |
agree seek hurry dare demand pay |
refuse seem wait say deserve claim |
choose elect manage learn hesitate fail |
For example: he hopes to achieve 9.0 on IELTS.
But some of the verbs can be followed by both. We'll talk about them in the second part of the lesson.