IELTS grammar.
Lesson 14: when Gerund or Infinitive changes the meaning.

Some of the verbs can be followed by both. Either with a little to no change in the meaning (begin, continue, like, love, prefer, start etc.) or with a considerable change in meaning (forget, regret, remember, stop, try, quit)
For example:
It started raining = It started to rain. So the verb started has the same meaning with both gerund and infinitive.
When using gerund or infinitive changes the meaning:
I forgot to call her = I planned to call her, but I forgot to do so. BUT I forgot calling her = I can't remember whether I called her or not.
I remember visiting him = I remember the fact that I visited him. BUT I remember to visit him = I remember that I need to visit him.
I stopped to call her = I interrupted some other action in order to call her. BUT I stopped calling her = I was calling her but now I stopped doing so.
I regret to inform you = I wish I didn't have to tell you. BUT I regret being late = I am sorry that I am late.
I quit working here = I left my job here. BUT I quit to work here = I quit my last job in order to work here.
I tried to cook my dinner = I attempted cooking my dinner but I didn't succeed. BUT I tried playing the guitar = This was one of the options that I tried. Maybe I was bored and wanted to cheer myself.