IELTS grammar. Lesson 9: using and, but, or, so, yet.
Words and, but, or, so, yet are called coordinating conjunctions and are commonly used in English language. They play a key role in structuring your essay and making your writing coherent.
Complete this lesson to improve your IELTS grammar skills for coordinating conjunctions. First of all, read the theory in green box. Then, complete the exercises below and check your answers by pressing "check" button.
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Functions of conjunctions:
And - to join two similar ideas:
- My favourite fruits are apples and oranges. (you like both of them)
- I'm against crime and violence in media.
But - to contrast:
- I eat apples, but I don't eat oranges. They are too sour for me. (apples - positive, oranges - negative)
- The number of electric cars showed a steady growth during 2005-2010, but then it suddenly decreased in 2011.
Or - to give an alternative:
- Would like some water or juice? (you choose only one of them)
- In my opinion, if children play computer games or watch TV instead of reading books, they will grow small-minded.
Or is also used to join two negative ideas (There was no laptops or phones in Medieval Ages).
So - to show a result of something:
- He was very thirsty, so he drank a lot of water. (thirsty → drank a lot of water)
- Higher education is often expensive, so many students work while studying.
Yet - contrast, despite something (=but still) :
- Some people complain about social networks, yet continue to use them.
- He's overweight, yet he eats a lot of fast food.
Practice. Fill in the blanks with and / but / or / yet / so: