IELTS grammar. Lesson 7: Relative pronouns.
In this lesson you will refresh your knowledge of relative pronouns. Relative pronouns include such words as who, what, which, how, where and are widely used in IELTS.
Test-takers often confuse different relative pronouns, making grammar mistakes. To improve your grammar skills and avoid such mistakes, complete this online lesson.
Firstly, read the theory in green box. After that, complete the corresponding exercises below.

Relative pronouns (that, who, which, what, how etc) are used to connect 2 parts of a sentence called clauses.
clause 1 + relative pronoun + clause 2
- There are a lot of children + who + go to kindergarten.
- The graph + which + is on the left shows the percentage of female students.
- The umbrella + that + you bought last week is yellow.
Rules of usage:
- You can use only one relative pronoun
Incorrect: he showed me that what had to be done.
Correct: he showed me what had to be done. That can be used instead of who, whom, which.
- Relative pronoun may be skipped only if it's the object of a verb.
The man who is walking is tall. (who is the subject, so it can't be skipped)
The man whom I saw is tall. (here I is the subject, and who is the object, so it can be skipped) =
= The man I saw is tall.