IELTS grammar. Lesson 2: Countable and uncountable nouns.
Is it correct to say many advices? To give the right answer (not correct) you should be familiar with countable and uncountable nouns. This topic often comes up in English speech and writing. So it is a very good idea to revise what are countable and uncountable nouns and how to use them in order to avoid some common mistakes in IELTS.
This lesson consists of theory section + exercises. Complete both parts of the lesson to make sure that you will have no problems with countable & uncountable nouns on your IELTS exam.

Countable nouns stand for things we can count with numbers (apples, books, pieces etc).
And uncountable nouns are for things we cannot count (water, food, money, advice, safety, time, knowledge, love, traffic etc).

Countable nouns can be used
- in both plural and singular forms
- with phrases many / a lot of / a few / number of
Uncountable nouns are used
- only in the singular form
- only with a singular verb (is, was)
- with phrases much / a lot of / some / amount of / a little
You can never use uncountable nouns with
- a number (five advices - an advice, three furnitures - a furniture). But you can use a piece of instead (a piece of advice, a piece of furniture)
- phrases many / a few / number of (many foods - a lot of food, a few knowledges - some knowledge)